Learning & Development

digiotai learning and development training programs
  • Learning & Development – The Future of enterprises, is all about Convergence of Gen-Next Data driven technologies, and professionals with a siloed technology approach may come short to adapt to the futuristic industry needs coming up. Every industry today wants to be data driven and the core principle towards a data journey begins with:
    • Data Sourcing (IoT)
    • Once the data is available, next comes Storing and analysing the data (Big Data & Machine Learning)
    • Once the learnings, one has to automate the learnings/orchestration (AI)
    • Data being the new oil, industry would look to monetise the data (Blockchain)


We enable students, professionals, engineering graduates in terms of re-skilling, cross-skilling and learning curve related to the latest stack of Digital Transformation driven technologies that includes Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain (BC), by taking a Convergence approach. The course is defined into 4 specific technology stack categories:


Internet of Things  – The IoT industry has bene evolving with more and more machines, things, humans and devices being connected to the internet. Many major players in the information technology sector are investing heavily in the IoT enablement to gain data driven insights and industry edge. Currently there is a tremendous lack of developers, assemblers and integrators in the IoT domain. We at DIGIOTAI train graduates, professionals and freshers on the IoT technologies such as Device Management, Connectivity Protocols, Data Streaming to Cloud, Analytics and more, get them ready for the future industry and technology needs. Know More

  • Machine Learning & AI
  • Machine Learning – Data Science has evolved and with large chunks of Data being collected from various smart systems and devices, need to analyse these perils of data at near real time, predict and pre-empt outcomes and drive decision making based on data insights has ensured industries to embrace the value of Machine Learning principles. We offer courses in Machine Learning that enables candidates to be industry ready, and empower them for Data Architect, Data Scientist, Data Engineering Our course is structured to cover all the required topics with a hands-on exposure with Data workflows and Algorithm principles, to make you industry ready.


  • Artificial Intelligence – AI has been fairly underrated this far, however the AI adoption for Enterprise as well as Consumer level applications has seen a steep rise in the last 5 years. We at DIGIOTAI, have combined our Data expertise to come up with a customized course on AI, giving candidates a real-time exposure and hands on in the arena of Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning Libraries and Python driven data etiquette which is first of its kind. The course will enable professionals to develop both consumer level as well as Enterprise level AI applications, enabling them for future trends coming up in the Data driven world.  Know More

Blockchain – Blockchain is a very recent inception in terms of concept, and very few companies have a hands-on exposure to Blockchain based projects/pilots. Blockchain as a technology is going to be a major disruptor creating umpteen employment opportunities for developers keen to make a career in the Data space. Being an early adopter, we offer a customized Blockchain course on development methodologies to create a niche in the Enterprise sector adoption of Blockchain for students, professionals & developers alike. We offer training on Ethereum, Hyperledger & IOTA related Blockchain stacks. Know More

Convergence Program – Our Course is a first of its kind module in India/Hyderabad, looking at a convergence of IoT, ML, AI and Blockchain stacks, enabling professionals to be future ready on all the 4 technology stacks, thereby increasing the chances of placements and job offerings by four folds. This is a 6 months course structure and will have 100+ assignments and dedicated classroom training with industry recommendations & orientations. Know More

All of our courses is a Job Guaranteed program, and will provide candidates to develop IoT, ML, AI and Blockchain based applications along with complete industry orientation ,Internship and career mentorship.

There are specific use case driven project development opportunities as well, where students get a complete hands on related to development and technology orientation w.r.t IoT, ML, AI and Blockchain.